Non-surgical hair solutions for women include wigs and hairpieces. There are several attachment methods available.

Wigs are made with different technologies: machine-made, hand-tied, lace front, and monofilament tops. We carry human hair and synthetic wigs.
To find the wig that fits you can call or text 773-283-4674 for a free and private consultation.
It’s important to purchase your wig from a wig professional. Wigs come in six sizes. The first step in selecting a wig that fits perfectly is to find one that conforms naturally to the shape and size of your head. The next step is to customize the fit so it’s comfortable and secure.
We match the color and texture of your natural hair. You will look and feel natural.
Wig cleaning, maintenance, and repair services are available should you require them. The Repair work is done in Chicago. We can usually have everything done in 2 weeks or less.